The MCats Band at Waxy v2 (feat. Rebecca Cazabon debuting Heartbreaker by Pat Benatar). Thanks to Carolyn Rosenthal for the pics!
Here’s how we promoted this gig:
The modern Irish bar welcomes the modern Irish band! Or at least an Acton band with an Irish lead singer.
Because nobody knows Waxy’s like Waxy’s, we stole this from their website:
“What makes Waxy’s different? It is more than fresh food, crafted cocktails and great times. It’s about sharing and always making room at the table for friends.”
The details:
Come to Waxy’s, The Modern Irish Bar in Lexington (, on Fri 11/18/16 (9pm-11:59ish), hear some cool music, eat some good food, and definitely buy a round for the band!
This is not some cheap recording of The MCats Band.
This is not some tribute band imitation of The MCats Band.
This is the one, the only, ask-for-them-by-name: The MCats Band.We started playing in 2005 as a one-time gig, and we have never stopped playing!
Hope to see you on November 18th!